Submit a Proposal

New Horizons Foundation
Attn: Thomas J. Soles
P.O. Box 222784
Chantilly, VA 20153
Phone: (703) 803-2988
Mobile: (703) 402-7395
Fax: (703) 349-5249

Request for Proposals
A one or two page summary of the proposed project should be submitted. Please see the outline of required information below. The Foundation will provide feedback on each summary proposal upon request and will notify researchers if the submittal of a full proposal is required.

Proposal Format
The summary proposal’s one page format allows the Summit Council members to review the information more efficiently.

Please submit your proposal to the addresses noted above. Electronic submittals are preferred. If submitted electronically, proposals should be sent in Microsoft Word as an e-mail attachment. A receipt confirmation will be sent via e-mail.

The summary of the proposal should include brief descriptions of the following on no more than two pages:

  • Title of Project and single figure for estimated total budget (detail is not necessary; include administrative costs in total).
  • Purpose and how this is relevant and useful to the sheet metal and HVAC industry.
  • Outcome/Deliverables – Format of physical end product (publication, manual, video, or other) and how you think this will be used by the industry.
  • Brief description of work plan or method of research.
  • Name, title, mailing address, e-mail address, phone and fax numbers of head researcher.

If you prefer to mail your submission, please submit two (2) paper copies of your proposal. Please submit by using one method only (either email or USPS mail) to avoid duplication.