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Dennis Sowards
Quality Support Services
1437 N. Coleman Circle
Mesa, AZ 85201
Tel: (480) 835-1185
Cell: (602) 740-7271
The lean production principles that have led other industries to higher profitability and lower costs are easily applicable to the sheet metal and HVAC industry. Lean thinking can help:
- reduce costs in the office, yard and fabrication areas
- reduce waste in the field by eliminating double handling, crews waiting and time spent searching for materials or tools
- maximize company resources
- reduce losses from accidents
- maximize productivity
This project examined the lessons learned in other industries (non-construction) in applying the concepts of lean thinking. The objective was to determine how lean has helped make these companies more successful and which lean applications can be most easily implemented in construction.
The study identifies what “lean” means in the sheet metal and HVAC construction industry. It also suggests how lean can be transferred and implemented in the construction industry and which techniques are most applicable. It compares and reviews sheet metal and HVAC construction companies that are successfully applying the lean principles discussed in this study.