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Awad S. Hanna, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Wisconsin Madison
2314 Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Tel: (608) 263-8903
Fax: (608) 265-9860
HVAC and sheet metal contractors are faced with the challenge of improving productivity to remain successful in an increasingly competitive industry. In an effort to meet these challenges, they are turning to preconstruction planning as a method for improving efficiency, and increasing profitability.
The purpose of this implementation manual, developed as part of a three-phase research project, is to present a comprehensive preconstruction planning process, with 50 step-by-step activities in 12 key planning categories.
The process can be implemented fully or partially to accommodate each company’s unique project planning situation. [The hard copy includes a CD-ROM with a Microsoft Excel version of the forms found in the publication. The PDF download does not contain these additional files.]