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Dennis Sowards
Quality Support Services
1437 N. Coleman Circle
Mesa, AZ 85201
Tel: (480) 835-1185
Risk assessment, management, and mitigation are critical components to ensuring project success. This Risk Assessment Manual/Model:
- Develops understandable model calculations to assess risk factors
- Identifies risk mitigation options based on the nature and severity of the risks
- Documents the process so that it can be followed by contractors
The report includes a documented process that guides the user in answering these questions:
- What risks should I consider for this project?
- What do I do about these risks, including countermeasures to manage the risk and/or adding a risk amount to the profit margin?
The report helps contractors as they seek to identify early on, which risks/opportunities deserve resources, develop early stages of an effective project risk assessment/management plan, and improve results using effective risk assessment/management tools.